söndag 20 september 2009

Cupcake My Cute Cupcake!

My Cupcakes are ready to be served for tomorrow when my granny and grandad comes ^^

I've allways been soo sure that I'm bad and that I hate making food and baking, but this last summer vacation I've really found baking fun, relaxing and yummy! :P

Now Josefine is on here way over too see if they're eatable ;)

Christian Siriano spring 2010

Christian Siriano's spring collection 2010 with beautiful creations!
Pictures from;

If you want to see the other designers from the New York Fashion Week visit;
I am inlove with all of these, but espesially the first! <3

Bored... as usuall?

I'm feeling pretty bored, I want something to happen, hopefully my dads home sone so I get the ingredients for making cupcakes! Yum Yum!
(Picture by me, of one of my brothers)


This is what I shopped in town this Friday! I Love my bag! And I've been looking everywhere after earmuffs! So I'm pretty pleased :D I also bought foundation, but thats not so interesting :P
Oh and on the first picture I saved you's from my hidiouse face, haha kidding, but I really do look like crap today. I guess that is how you turn out after some homework and just sitting staring into the computer not being bothered with showering for the day :P

Out photografing with my brother...

I went out yesterday with my brother in the morning to photograf a bit, this is what a few od the photos I took. It was a beatiful and warm day soo I really enjoyed going for a walk ^^
Press on the pictures for a larger image ;)

Håkan Hellström

This Friday I saw Håkan Hellström at Liseberg! Was there with beautiful people, Moa, Amanda, Fanny and Erik! Had a great time! Love Håkan and his music, he's even better live than on the radio! Listen to him!

Painted floors, bright walls and beautiful atmosphere!

Which of these rooms is your favorite? I truly love all of them, what I like the most is painted floors! Instead of ordinary wooden, think of having a brigh pink floor! I'm inlove with the idea.
I think I like the first pink room and the third all white room the best :D

onsdag 16 september 2009


I've been looking everywhere for earmuffs, I looked all last year without finding them and at last now I have at monsoon.co.uk! We do have a monsoon shop in town soo I'll look into it tomorrow. All the luck to me! Hope they have them!
So which one should I choose, I'm tinking of the grey ones. I was soo sure it was going to be a pair of white ones, but now I think the grey ones are soo cute!

I wish...

I've started wishing my life was full of long nice walks in the sun, photografing in fields, bathing in the tub, start writing a diary or maby a book? Doing a scrapbook, reading more books, meeting friends, snuggling up in the bed eating chocolate and watching beautiful old movies, listening to lovly music, sleeping with my head in someones knee, and falling in love over and over again. ^^
I also wish that the world was as light and feather-like as the atmospfer in the first picture!

Computers all day long...

I was thinking what I'd do on my free time if I didn't have my computer?

I ended up thinking I'd probably take a shower every day after school aswell as the ones I take in the morning. And I'd probably take a walk as long as it's nice wheather, maby I'd run more often. and be better at cleaning my room? I'd probably also would talk more on the phone (than I already do) and start writing a diary.

After tinking this I slightly wish I didn't have a computer, somehow it seems I'd have so much more free time...

Partys over

Hi everyone!

I had a huge bag with me to school yesterday, me and my friend Elin went to a party last night, we meet a few friends at a cafe before, but well at the party it turns out the idiot who sold us the ticket hadn't only not told us about neeing identifiction cards with us, but he had also sold us tickets for the club with 18 years limit! I don't know if he's just stuoid, tinks we were 18 or if he hadn't any more tickets left but we ended up meating a bunch of people outside in the area, peeing in bushes and eating in macdonalds :P We had a great evening just being out, but you still get a bit pissed of.
Later talking to a few friends who got in it turned out we didn't really miss anyting ;)
Well this is the reason my bag was big, it contained make-up, evening clothes, gymclothes (for school), clothes for the next day (I sleept at my granny and grandads apartment in the city) and a lot more usless things.
I must say it was a bit though though waking up and going to school the next morning :S
Xxx Lady Ribbon xxX